Monday 30 July 2007

Monday 23 July 2007
Cieux irlandais
Plantes et autres carnivores
Friday 13 July 2007
Temps de brin....
Have a nice weekend all! Bisous
Thursday 12 July 2007
Protester en Irlande

Et pour faire le lien avec la photo, ce gentil cop est en fait en train de tabasser des manifestants dans le comte Mayo, qui ont porte plainte.. Ah j'en aurais presque le mal du pays....
Pictures Trip Mexico
This is a selection of some pictures I took when I was travelling with my copine Elodie last year. A very partial view of course, the country's so wide, so rich, so diverse. So those images are taken in Mexico City, Palenque and San Cristobal de las Casas (both cities are in the Chiapas area, a beaaaautiful but terribly poor region).
Wednesday 11 July 2007
Qui est fou?
Tuesday 10 July 2007

This is Mexico City.
This was the first stage of our 6 week-long trip. Mexico City is, needless to say, absolutely huge. Oppresssive, dirty, boyant. Millions of souls walking, running, begging, families staying on the footpath, thousands of tourists trying to speak English with the autochtones. smell of tortillas.. and men. Oppressive impression to be looked at, stared at the whole time. If it is possible to integrate theory in a sensorial experience, then I can say that the feminist approach as the woman considered as "the other" is terribly suitable for Mexico. There is no such thing as equality, universalism or discretion in the Mexican society. Not as a tourist anyway. It is not possible to forget the gender one belongs to since men around you keep telling you what you are: a walking object, the other, the weak one. This impression never left me during the whole trip, except on the South Pacific Coast, which is a peace haven.
For this period of time I've been lazy, postponing the time when at last those bloody pictures would be published. It is apparently very unfashionable to develop pictures on paper. Alright the web version is cheaper. Alright, it prevents people from putting their greasy fingers on them and it takes less space in shoe boxes. BUT I have as usual something to complain about: it is standardized, everyone can make fun of my pictures because they can access the blog, and it makes me do other things than working at work which is unproductive. Oh well, think I'll live with my contradictions.