Saturday 31 May 2008

Ca chie!

As you know, or maybe you don't, Ireland is the only country in Europe which will hold a referendum for the ratification of the Lisbon treaty. It will be held on June 12th, and the campaign started. The arguments are very low levelled to my mind. The big parties (Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour) are threatening the voters with the possible stigma that a no vote would bring to Ireland. This is the only thing that sticks out of the Yes Side (YS). The No Side (NS) is more imaginative, check it out:

The first one is advising a wonderful convincing stuff: doing like other people. I have to mention that France has a kind of revolutionary image in here, much appreciated by lefty people who are desperate about the passivity of their fellow citizens.

On the second one, the YS is saying "in our interest". When you read the leaflets, the treaty is very poorly explained, not sure what kind of clear idea the voters can get from this. Sinn Fein (the poster below) is obviously against it, as they say it will threaten workers' rights and more so they argue that Ireland is such a small country that it would lose its weight in the negotiations. You can have a look here. The young lady is Gerry Adam's new icon, Mary Lou McDonald. She is extremely popular and gives a new face to this party which is struggling with the past and the relationship it had with the IRA.

Here is a version in the Irish language of the campaign for the Yes organised by the Fianna Fail, the largest political party in Ireland, still in power. The funny thing about this Irish version is that it is grammatically incorrect, as answering yes (Ta) to a question doesn't exist in this language. I wonder what the ballot will look like. The poster says "Better for Ireland, better for Europe, vote yes". I don't speak Irish, I asked :)

Then there is a very strong opposition to the Lisbon Treaty in here because a lot of people think it would end the corporate tax rate (tax applied to companies) which is 12.5% and which enabled Ireland to attract so many foreign investments. That is this fear that the poster below exploits:

Here is a "classical" argument against the liberal European Union, represented by the Socialist Party (tiny tiny party)

Another fundamental point when it comes to the opposition to this Treaty is the military aspect. Ireland is a neutral country and has a tiny army (having said that, it has been the basis for an American military base in Shannon for the past thirty years, planes landing here go afterwards directly to Iraq). The treaty plans to have a common defence system and because the text is so vague and does not mention the practicalities of this, a lot of opposition parties are afraid that this will mean Ireland will have to spend much more on military and abandon its neutrality.

And finally there is this one I don't really get. Are they talking about sovereignty, taxation, nation? It is a very risque shortcut to my mind. But this is a very very common one:

I have a very mixed feeling about the whole thing myself. Living in a country that developed mostly thanks to Europe and being able to work and live here the way I do make me feel extremely European, and I voted yes to the Constitution. There is however something extremely nasty about the whole thing: France for example was to my mind so afraid that its people would vote against it that the treaty is ratified by the Parliament. The text itself is absolutely unreadable to anyone who doesn't have a master in European Law. I am not sure this will convince voters that Europe is transparent and democratic. Also, I have to say that if Ireland votes no (and I think it will, surveys are very bad for the yes, and the people not extremely interested about it will not go to vote) we can hope the European leaders will think again about the way they consider their citizens., i.e. as people who can decide for themselves.

Monday 26 May 2008

Cork city

We went to Cork this weekend. I had gone to Cork four years ago with my ex and a couple of friends, and that was a painful experience. Probably because my relationship at this time was already disastrous, probably also because we had taken the wrong route with the car and that it had taken hours to reach the city, probably also we didn't know where to look and we ended up playing some silly game in the hotel room. In other words, I remembered Cork as a boring, not that interesting nor lively city, with nothing to do and no great opportunity to have fun. I must confess that I had this very capital city despising attitude about it and I refused to go back there for a while.

But then, because of Rothar!, the project Stephen and I are putting in place, we had to go back. We met with two extremely motivated guys who have the same kind of project down there. Instructive and encouraging.

And then, Cork. Well, I must say that I was impressed this time. It is tidy, pretty, lively, and there is a je ne sais quoi of latin atmosphere coming from the small cafes, the tiny wine bars, the colourful houses and (that is the least you can say) the colourful accent. In other words, whoever wants to go there with me is welcome! I wouldn't live in Cork, it is too small for the city girl that I became, but it is definitely worth days of discovery, walking, drinking and tasting their local stout, the Murphy's.

Saturday 24 May 2008


Il a pas l'air impressionne et c'est normal, je l'ai force a prendre la photo. Cet homme aux cheveux fous est Stephen, dit le Petit Prince (a cause des cheveux justement) et est ce qu'on appelle ici un "petrolhead", entendez un roi de la route.

Parce que le petit est ne dans une famille de mecanos, pere mecano, freres mecanos, oncle mecano, ca baigne dans l'essence tout ca! Trois voitures, deux motos, une courte carriere de pilote moto, n'en jetez plus! Sauf que les temps changent et le climat avec. Stephen a emmenage chez moi il y a un an et connait depuis une pure vie de centre-ville: cinemas, restos a quelques metres, ca change la vision de la ville! Mais il y a un phenomene quand on vit au centre-ville a Dublin: la predominance des voitures. Jour et nuit, ils sont des milliers a prendre leur bagnole et a polluer, obstruer, klaxonner et envahir le peu d'espace de cette ville assez petite et pas du tout concue pour ces milliers de vehicules.

Alors le petit s'y est mis. Il est fervent defenseur du velo en ville et lit meme des bouquins consacres au sujet, cad comment se debarrasser des voitures. Il est juste pas encore tres habitue a etre photographie avec des livres subversifs.

Plus de nouvelles et des choses plus interessantes bientot. Je ne suis pas tres en forme en ce moment, je vous donnerai des nouvelles plus joyeuses dans pas longtemps. Bisous!

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Publicite gratuite pour moi-meme

Hi everyone, just a little bit of free ad for myself. Stephen and I are setting-uo a charity. The aime is to recycle bicycles and sell a part and donate a part to other charities. The ultimate goal is to develop local employment, self empowerement of certain communities, with a feminist insight (I think women should cycle more, it is good for the head, the self confidence and the ass!) and hopefully a lot of fun. I put on line a blog yesterday until we have a website (i.e. when our name is registered, with a legal status etc.)

This is the place you can find the small explanation of the project: If you have suggestions, remarks etc please let me know. I keep my fingers crossed as this is going to take time!

Thursday 8 May 2008

Street art

J'adore! Tres present dans deux villes que je venere, Lisbonne et Bruxelles, l'art de rue decore les murs les plus insolites et donne un dynamisme et est quelquefois fait par des gens tres talentueux. Il peut se decliner en bande dessinee, comme ici a Bruxelles:

En version funky, toujours a Bruxelles. L'afro semble revenir a la mode ces temps-ci:

On peut trouver pas mal de pochoirs a la Bansky dans toutes les rues de Lisbonne. Celui-ci est directement inspire du chimpanze de ce dernier a mon avis:

Des personnages venus de nulle part qui ajoute un habitant a la ville (toujours Lisbonne), comme ce peintre et ce tagueur tague :)

La c'est plus difficile.. Pourquoi des titis? Mais c'est tres joli:

Un admirateur de Bebel Gilberto lui rend hommage dans la traversee des anglais a Lisbonne:

Et la vous l'aurez devine, nous sommes de retour a Bruxelles!

Et la aussi.. La funky attitude a de beaux jours devant elle

Et enfin un Haiku en forme de tableau toujours a Bruxelles, pouvez-vous lire ce qu'il y a ecrit?

"Trees don't meet, people do!". Allez savoir...