- "Why is it annoying you Anne? Don't you think you are doing your ranting Frenchie never happy about anything crisis right now?"
- "Well, maybe, but what is the fuckin' point of getting happy about a day when you will have to come back to the job you don't like in two days?"
- "Yes Anne, it is quite true, but it makes people happy isn't it the more important?"
- "But what is the point with bloody God? What does God have to do with that?"
- "I don't know, it is just an expression"
- "Yeah, but if God was deciding upon our working days, we would be working 6 days a week, wouldn't we?"
- "What's your point?"
- "My point is that people thank an imaginary friend that has nothing to do with the fact that they work 5 days a week!"
- "Who should we thank then?"
- "That is a stupid question! The people who fought for our rights, who died under repression, the unions, the Popular Front!"
- "Isn't it a bit archaic?"
- "Archaic? When the EU wants to fix the limit at 65 working hours a week?"
- "Let's come back to TGIF. Do you want people to stop saying it?"
- "I would just like them to think about their luck of having Friday as their last day of the week. I think we should replace the expression. Let's say TCLIF"
- "What does that stand for?"
- "Thanks Comrades and Leon it's Friday!"