Today I got a new job. It is the same work as the last one, only permanent contract and in the historical part of the city. I'll be there cycling about 15 minutes, the government's buildings and the Taoisach's (pronounce Teeshock, prime minister) department will be just a few doors away. I cannot say I am jumping with enthusiasm even though I am glad and relieved. Not so much more to say for the moment. The two pictures represent either a fantasy either the reality. The first picture was taken in Mexico last year. The second picture was taken on the Dublin seaside this morning...
Have a nice weekend all! Bisous
I like the photos and the composition of the idea... Im glad that you found a new job, and pleases me the idea of being able to bike and work around the city center... bissous
Mais a Dublin il y a souvent des ciels magnifiques. A part les jours ou le ciel est pret a nous tomber sur la tete tellement il est gris et bas. Le reste du temps y a des compositions de lumiere et nuages sublimes. Digne des grands peintres italiens! c'est tes devoirs pour la semaine .. va nous trouvez des belles photos de ciel ! :-) bonne semaine de simili-vacances ! Bisous
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