So, fuck it all. Don't be depressed, don't get scared at the crash that the stock exchange places around the world are experiencing, don't put tons of rice in your cupboards because you don't know if you will be able to eat anything else in the coming year, don't go to cheap labour places to buy cheap clothes, because, at the end, there is someone who made those clothes who would like to have your wage.
Instead, come and participate to my "Fuck recession!" party! We'll drink champagne, wear expensive clothes, talk about our (imaginary) sports cars, pretend we are traders in 1998 and finish the evening with some first class cocaine (not the street one of course, soooo vulgar).
Well, I am half joking. I am launching a "Fuck recession" party, just to lift spirits up. No cocaine please, but something much more expensive and dear: being with people I like, having fun, and remembering we are anyway the most privileged people amongst all.
Bien dit !!
Ouaaaaiis !
Moi aussi je fucke la récession à ma manière, et je rachète du lait en poudre pour les bibs de mon fils ! (Je pourrais même essayer de m'en faire un rail, tiens).
hi anne....nice to read ur post...i was frustrated wid job search and typed fuck recession and there you are....truly fuck this RECESSION...lets kick its ass...
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