Tuesday 21 October 2008

Un samedi soir sur la Terre

We had a birthday party on Saturday night. Several people's birthday in fact, all more or less crossing the 30 border. You think this would be a recipe for something warmish, a bit boring, a bit reasonable, where people would go to bed just after 2 o'clock. Well, no.

It had all the elements of the first "boom" (party) when we were 13. Here is a list:

- The boy who drinks too much, gets totally legless at 11 and has to be put in a taxi (teenage version: walked home or parents called). Age: 36
- The guy who wants to touch everything that has a bra / breasts / skirt was here, avoided by all the female audience was here. Age: around 42
- The boy who has drunk too much version 2. He is sick and throws up in the toilets. Age: 30

- The girl who is jealous over boy number 1 chatting with other girls and tries to put them away. Age: 31

- The boy and the girl who meet and cannot stop kissing during the evening until they go home to her place. Age: 28 and 27

- The girls between them who comment on the boys in the room and want to know what they are like and who is looking at who, and finally nothing happens. Age: between 29 and 35

- The group which stays until the dawn has come and finally decides to go home when there is nothing less to drink at 7. Age: between 28 and 30.

I won't mention the broken glasses, the stolen cigarettes and drinks, the mini drama over the music that was put on, the extremely serious conversations about the Irish Love (with capitals please, it is worth it!), the hostess having to put herself on mineral water for more than 3 hours (that was me). So, a party is a party after all, this one was particularly colourful.

That was fun. Thanks for people who came for coming!

1 comment:

Eleonore said...

merci les filles et le gars... on a bien rigole! :)