He caught me off guard: this question has millions of answers and I genuinely didn't know what to say. So I suggested him to give my answer in writing. Here is what I wrote:
"Darling, if you are looking for a place where the sun shines, where culture is easily available and where people appreciate a good wine with a nice meal (he is from Paris), so well, no, you'd better
go to Rome.
If, on the other hand, you don't mind a shitty weather all year long and have a bit of patience, well, there are a lot of possibilities for you over here. Darling, I am going to make a love declaration to the city I have been living in for the past five years, and I apologise in advance for my lack of objectivity.
Dublin is a small city, some people over here call it a town even, with narrow streets, and a somewhat anarchist architecture. You will never be charmed at first by Dublin. It is kind of grey and off putting, some areas with their Georgian buildings are very nice, but generally, beauty is not widespread.
If you move over here, you will have to give time for the city to grow on you. The Irish people are renowned to be friendly. Well that's true, but don't expect any real friendship at first. This will take time and even when you think you're there, you will probably get pissed off or at best slightly annoyed by their sloppiness and fear of commitment. You will get there eventually, I assure you.
What I can say about this city is that you will have opportunities: people, if sometimes very annoying in their superficiality, will be there for you if you are there for them. The beauty of the city will reveal itself once you have abandoned your Lonely Planet guide. You will discover little gems in the city, hidden spots where even Dubliners don't even go to (that is another thing Dear, Irish people are satisfied very easily and wouldn't be the type of looking for excellence. You will learn the meaning of the word "grand" quite quickly. The bus isn't on time (i.e. 20 Mn late)? That's "grand", it will come eventually). After a while, you will probably get discouraged, angry at their passivity (this applies to all domains of life), disgusted by their laws (see reference to their passivity above).
Give Dublin time. Give Dublin a chance. Dublin is a wonderful town when you have given it an opportunity and when you keep trying. You will listen to trad music sessions in some random pub, you will find yourself talking to people during hours on a Tuesday night, you will be gobsmacked by the generosity of its people. This is not patronising, this is 5 years and a half of making friends, losing friends, having love stories, having love failures, working in different areas, living in different areas (don't even think about the Southside if you want to get the real stuff), developing a Dub accent, and eventually not wanting to leave.
Beware Darling, if you get into Dublin, Dublin will get into you. If you come over here and have this amount of love for the city and the people it is composed of as I have, you will get contaminated. Dublin is home, Dublin is pain, Dublin is where I want to live. Please join me."
Wow, vilket underbart porträtt! Jag skulle kunna säga nåt liknande om Malmö, slår det mig också. Man gillar det och gillar det inte:D
DU borde bli författare förresten.
OK, I didn't quite get what is written above.
But hey, there really is a love story going on here.
I'm going +1 on what you said, even if I stayed only for a couple of days. Only thing I don't agree on is the fact that Dublin is not good-looking at first. I thought it was very nice, but then again, I'm easily satisfied. And I was a tourist.
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