What I like in this article is the rehabilitation of a notion that is so taboo (she employs herself the "f word", and this is a very intelligent way of describing feminism as it is seen by the majority.. Just think about the way some women express themselves "I am not a feminist, but I think we should have equal pay" as racist people say "I am not a racist, but I think black people are lazy"): feminism is mostly about love, about respect and equality, not at all about war & opposition between the genders. It is a possibility for all human beings (YES people, men are not the enemy, patriarchy is) to get out from the roles and stereotypes that prevent us from being happy and mostly being ourselves. I always take this example of me not being happy because I should behave the way people expect from a girl (shaving your armpits, not swearing in public, you are obviously not complete if not married or at least with the providential man).. What about men then? Why shouldn't they be crying? Why do they have to be strong? My point is that if someone feels like doing something that is not acceptable gender wise then it is a struggle to be yourself and not being considered as a pariah or a weirdo. And this is what feminism is about. To my mind, the only reason why there was no masculinism revolt yet is just because this half of the population has power. Meanwhile they can go on getting killed in wars, being imprisoned and violent. And as said previously in my mind this is not inherent to men, it is patriarchy that creates it. Feminism is liberation. For all.
Voilà qui est bien parlé !
Jag haller med, men det vet du ju. Men det var bra formulerat. Fint skrivet.
Apropa sex tankte jag saga, att jag ar ganska bra i sangen, och det har sakert med att jag ar feminist att gora.
Far du mina hemligtmail forresten?
Ska inte du skriva en bok forresten?
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