Tuesday 27 January 2009

Comment j'ai arrete de fumer

On n'en est pas encore la, mais j'essaie! Ca fait une semaine tout juste et tout ce que ces sites de brin (site du ministere de la sante en France, quismoking.ie ici) disent est vrai! En gros, on dort moins bien (deja que c'etait pas terrible..), on est irritable, on a des envies presque incontrolables, on pense a la clope, on doit changer ses habitudes pour ne pas "y" penser (serieux des fois j'ai l'impression d'etre Ewan McGregor dans "Trainspotting), bref, c'est pas une mince affaire. Mais! ces sites de brin ont un avantage aussi. Par exemple, les avantages d'arreter de fumer (trouve sur stop-bac.ch ceux ci). C'est con, mais ca m'a vachement motivee:

- 20 minutes apres la derniere clope, la tension arterielle diminue
- 4 heures apres, la nicotine a disparu de l'organisme
- 24 heures apres, le gout et l'odorat reviennent
- un mois apres, le souffle revient
- un an apres, le risque de maladie du coeur est diminue de moitie par rapport a celui d'un fumeur
- apres 15 ans, le risque de cancer du poumon, gorge et autres rejouissances est egal a celui des non-fumeurs.

Bon je sais, c'est assez chiant a lire mais je suis en train de mourir d'envie d'en griller une, donc je m'occupe.

Encouragements bienvenus! Bisous a tous

Wednesday 14 January 2009


I know it is just January 14th, but still, I started a couple of stuff I've decided already. This is the result of my surhuman efforts so far (je m'envoie des fleurs hein)

1) Write or call my grandmother more often: needs a bit of discipline, I think a reminder every three weeks would be a good idea

2) Learn how to grow herbs on my balcony: errr, have you seen the weather in Ireland in winter? even the potatoes don't grow

3) Get comfortable with people of another opinion (i.e. right wing): needs work

4) Watch different films, not only the ones talking about one eyed women in South India or the conflict in the Middle East: I did it! I watched "Spiderman 2" and 3! And I liked it!

5) Learn photography: have to consider other options.. the prices are horrendous, cannot afford it

6) Be less naive: well, that is a resolution I'll have the whole year for.

7) Learn how to make a proper smoky eye (for ignorant people and / or men, this is a make up technic that makes you look like Avril Lavigne): errr.. I DO look like a fucking panda bear.. Needs practice

8) Learning relaxation: went to my first class tonight I'll have you know... It does gooooood

9) Kick my own ass to have this bicycle group started: we're getting there. Meeting a guy from the City Council tomorrow

10) Visiting the friends I haven't seen in ages, in Sweden, Spain, Czech Republic etc: on the way. Went to Spain already visiting Elodie, and France to visit Camille. More to come....

11) Learning how to sew properly: haven't done anything yet

12) Get a pair of stilettos: it is now or never. This is sale's season for fuck's sake

13) Tell people to fuck off when I mean it: started.. at work for the time being.

14) Get into sports. Boxing is the preferred option: didn't get into boxing but into weight lifting. You should see me doing push ups!

15) Have my oven repaire: still waiting the landlord's intervention

18) Stop eating jellies by kilo. One or two at a time should suffice: haven't eaten a single one since Christmas. Might have to buy a big box soon (joking)

22) Stop swearing at each end of sentenc: no comment