Wednesday 14 January 2009


I know it is just January 14th, but still, I started a couple of stuff I've decided already. This is the result of my surhuman efforts so far (je m'envoie des fleurs hein)

1) Write or call my grandmother more often: needs a bit of discipline, I think a reminder every three weeks would be a good idea

2) Learn how to grow herbs on my balcony: errr, have you seen the weather in Ireland in winter? even the potatoes don't grow

3) Get comfortable with people of another opinion (i.e. right wing): needs work

4) Watch different films, not only the ones talking about one eyed women in South India or the conflict in the Middle East: I did it! I watched "Spiderman 2" and 3! And I liked it!

5) Learn photography: have to consider other options.. the prices are horrendous, cannot afford it

6) Be less naive: well, that is a resolution I'll have the whole year for.

7) Learn how to make a proper smoky eye (for ignorant people and / or men, this is a make up technic that makes you look like Avril Lavigne): errr.. I DO look like a fucking panda bear.. Needs practice

8) Learning relaxation: went to my first class tonight I'll have you know... It does gooooood

9) Kick my own ass to have this bicycle group started: we're getting there. Meeting a guy from the City Council tomorrow

10) Visiting the friends I haven't seen in ages, in Sweden, Spain, Czech Republic etc: on the way. Went to Spain already visiting Elodie, and France to visit Camille. More to come....

11) Learning how to sew properly: haven't done anything yet

12) Get a pair of stilettos: it is now or never. This is sale's season for fuck's sake

13) Tell people to fuck off when I mean it: started.. at work for the time being.

14) Get into sports. Boxing is the preferred option: didn't get into boxing but into weight lifting. You should see me doing push ups!

15) Have my oven repaire: still waiting the landlord's intervention

18) Stop eating jellies by kilo. One or two at a time should suffice: haven't eaten a single one since Christmas. Might have to buy a big box soon (joking)

22) Stop swearing at each end of sentenc: no comment

1 comment:

Eleonore said...

voila une explication toute simple pour resoudre ton probleme de smoky eyes...

le secret c'est d'avoir le bon matosse: les pinceaux!! :)